Friday, August 21, 2009

I am blessed...

I am blessed for the beautiful family that I have. Yeah sure, we all get on each other's nerves once in awhile, especially now that I'm laid up from surgery and they all get to share my household duties. I am told not to do anything. It's really wonderful to know that they are so willing to help out. I really should be enjoying my time off. 'Should' being the operative word here. I think I am going crazy. Three more weeks. That's what I've got to keep telling myself. My husband is taking care of dinner and employing our girls occasionally with culinary tasks. I don't want to go into the kitchen for fear I might get in the way. Nope, can't do that; I'm not supposed to do anything. If I said that to you face to face you would hear the sarcasm in my voice. Anyway, dinner smells SCRUMPTUOUS!! Ciao for now:) Deb (:

Hanging with my daughter,

I just sat and watched a segment of the show, 16 and Prenant, on MTV with my 16 year old daughter. Throughout the pregnant girl's experience my daughter kept snickering because the girl was being a crybaby.

She has seen me go through similar distress as well as many other painful issues with grace. I have tried to show my kids, through my own eperiences the amazing power of the human body and mind.

I am hoping that if I instill in them that pain and discomfort are only as much an inconvenience as you let them be, it will become a truth for them. We, humans, are constructed in such a way that recovery is actually an involuntary act.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My 10 year old's novel study:

In my book I can easily relate Amy the main character to my mom, for many reasons. A couple of the reasons are well both my mom and Amy grew up on a farm, both are understanding and both can keep promises when something needs to be kept secret. They both have passion for animals and grew up around many different animals. Their personalities trust worthy and both are a good listener, sure neither of them are perfect but both are special their lovable by anyone! Each of them have a big resposibility and both try their hardest to keep everyone around them happy, but it doesn't always work. Even when times get rough they stick up for the person that's misunderstood but try to explain to the one that is judging so they can understand better. They treat others as they want to be treated, and are the ones I would want every day and any day!
Rebecca Webb
Gr.5 S.E.S.S

Friday, August 14, 2009

There you will find six ways to destress at work. I recommend this not so much because I appreciate the writing, I didn't even read the whole thing. I don't really need to because I'm not stressed.

Stress is, for perhaps most people, equivalent in toxicity to cocaine.

Many people will create their own without realising.

It can begin endings of health, romance, and eventually existence.

It doesn't have to be that way! You could subscribe to this blog- warning- I AM A BINGE BLOGGER. I will share with you some things I do to NOT let stress take over my life in my coming posts.

But for now I will go lay down as I had a kidney taken out just four days ago, returned home about four hours ago.